Chef Ui Chef

The VR Tracker Project🤫

Comes at the base of Millomaker BUT with my own additions and preferences (That way I can teach you about my rookie mistakes too 😉)
Languages 🌍 -> [FR 🇫🇷] [EN 🇬🇧] (English WIP... some buttons can be broken)

The Tutorial

To do this, I basically followed this tutorial (Thanks Millomaker if you go there ❤️)

Some documentations

Patreon post of Millomaker
SlimeVR Documentation

The required components (for 8 Trackers) in part affiliated by Millomaker:

Name of the part Option / "Color" Quantity (For 1) Price (For 1) Quantity to take Price (For all)
Wemos D1 Mini Type C D1 MINI TYPE-C 1 1,80€ + 1,31€ 8 14,40€ + 2,28€
Battery LiPo 1800mah 804040 5pcs 2wires no plug 5 13,61€ + 5,40€ 2 27,22€ + 9,00€
Li-Ion charger/ Boost MH-CD42 2A 5V 1 1,06€ + 1,19€ 8 8,48 + 4,08
Accelerometer BMI160 Khaki 1 1,57€ + 1,19€ 8 12,56€ + 4,08€
Wires Black + Red (for each) Options: 5 Meters ; 32AWG 1 0,82€ + FREE 1 for each (2) 1,64€ + FREE
Straps 38x300mm + 38x400mm + 38x600mm 2 or 5 - 2 for each exept 38x300mm (1 only) 10,14€ + 2,67€
Screws Your choice (Only the color changes) 1 5,16€ + FREE 1 5,16€ + FREE
Total : 79,60€ + 22,11€ = 101,71€ (For the components) for 8 trackers (In France 🇫🇷)

Just a few points (that I think) are important to say :

My setup

Here, not so much to tell... but, here's what I would have recommended :

The welding and assembly part

So here, too lazy to explain the whole welding process for the moment...
... But you can see the
Patreon post of Millomaker for that

Here's also the 3D files to print, you can find it here

The Firmware

So here, 2 methods :

The simple method

Here, The entire setup will be easy to understand and do. This online took permits to upload code directly online.
So, Ensure that you have connected your tracker to the PC and to have a compatible navigator (like Microsoft Edge)

After, Enter these parameters below and then, click on Continue

The hard method

For that, tou need to install a lot of softwares, everything is explained on this documentation

The last steps

To connect and set up your trackers, you need to install SlimeVR Server (Also avaiable on the SlimeVR documentation if you look hard enough)
After, open the software and if you you have not already set up your Wi-Fi network parameters,
connect one-by-one your trackers to your PC and enter your Wi-Fi settings

Une fois le Wi-Fi de renseigné et vos trackers enfilés, il vous restera à calibrer la position de vos trackers.
Allez dans "Mounting Calibration" dans la barre de gauche et puis, calibrez vos trackers

Si les trackers virtuels ne s'affichent pas sur SteamVR, c'est sûrement car des extensions sur SteamVR ne sont pas activées.
Allez dans "Démarrage/arrêt" sur SteamVR et dans les les applis de l'overlay de démarrage, il faudra sélectionner "SlimeVR Feeder App"
Vérifiez également dans les extensions, "slimevr" doit être activé.

THE END, Congratulations ! 🥳🎉

For any feedback or missing elements, you can contact me on 😉

Site still under development... (WIP)🍪